Peaceful greetings of the universe
ORBIS has been built using a unique blockchain solution, with two coins available to users that allow them to withdraw, transfer, spend, and invest fiat or cryptocurrency money at no cost, no waiting time, and no middle people.
Imagine you went to a banking institution, and there is a huge queue that needs the help of experts, and as you understand, there is not enough staff for all. Because of this, a problem arises, the appearance of which people are not satisfied.

With mobile applications, desktop software, debit cards, and finally direct branch options, ORBIS represents a transaction solution that truly covers everything. Our team is solving all banking and cryptocurrency problems, developing the first price-stable cryptocurrency, ORBS - utility coin. Orbis utility coins used for transfers, payments and savings worldwide, are directly linked to in your wallet with Orbis security coins that are backed by the shares of Orbis Solutions company. Register and Transfer Cryptocurrency Orbis to your friends or family.
Having only profits and without losses, making income from actual withdrawals and issuing Orbis coins, our company shares will have a unique, slow but guaranteed price growth process like security coins.
About The Project
Orbis is in essence just the same as an innovation platform, as well as a project that will force all the main problems of the modern world to be eradicated. As you can understand, the problems, as well as the tasks weigh very serious over this area. That is why the development team is serious tuned to the implementation of their ideas, as well as a complete solution to the problems that are found today.
Our technology gives our customers excellence, providing a safer and more reliable leap to the Blockchain 5.0 capable of reaching more than 1,000,000 transactions per second, competing with the largest financial companies in the world.
With the ability to create synergies between cryptocurrency, adapt to the specific needs of users, and divide and rejoin themselves, Orbis blockchain enables faster, faster, more reliable flux and data transfer. This allows users to manage assets in a complex hierarchy through their Orbis Coins.
Orbis 5.0's integrated mining software allows our customers to conduct anonymous transactions in a decentralized network worldwide, safe and free of charge. Active user platforms will be part of our ecosystem, mining transactions that will have execution times of under 0.2 seconds.
Orbis Local Branches will also be active in processing transactions, have software integrated in our Mandiri ATM machines, a concept that will create a network that is safer and cannot be solved worldwide.

The online wallet hosted platform is integrated user-friendly that allows customers to make transactions easily and quickly, bringing a new look, feel and functionality to conventional online banking services.
The New Generation of FinTech!
Orbis Solutions, the parent company of ORBIS Transfer, has launched an ambitious campaign to install physical branches throughout the world. These branches will contain self-service Orbis ATMs and will also provide on-site virtual AI assistance. At the Orbis branch, you will be able to make financial transactions and services that you normally use in ordinary banks: payments, transfers, withdrawals, deposits, and investments.
Our work model is based on the continued growth of digital payments. Until now, there is no innovative and universal service that combines fiat currency and cryptocurrency, so to address this need, we have introduced the future of FinTech: Orbis Money and Investment Transfer Project.

Orbis Solution
Traditional investment and trade have been greedily governed by banks, companies, and governments that cruelly control access, operate in ways that are not transparent, and ensure that your money is always channeled away from you and reaches them. This has led to widespread liquidity in virtual and cryptic space, and has also prevented the development of a single, easy-to-use interface to access markets for such space.
After registering, you will enter the ORBIS ecosystem and can manage your assets directly using smart devices equipped with internet or any computer with access to the web.
Orbis Cryptocurrency
Payment for ORBIS NFC Mobile
How it works
2018 Ico Crypto is the best
Orbis utility coin (ORBS) is a stable currency that is intended to be used by Orbis customers to make payments, store assets, and transfers at no cost, all without the risk of depreciation or loss.
The Orbis security coin (ORBSi), which is backed by shares of the Orbis Solutions company, will be released to the public and to a cryptocurrency exchange for trading against other crypto currencies.
Orbis Transfer is the Future of Finance
Simplifying the world of financial transactions has been the goal of ORBIS since its inception. Investing, marketing, purchasing, and daily transactions is a possibility for everyone, and simplifies the process for those who have taken part, all on a decentralized blockchain network: that is our mission statement.
Security Token Offer
A successful business is a company that has Clients, Income, and Capital.
Orbis STO is intended to increase the funds needed to acquire licenses and develop a large portfolio of future clients that will bring income and also get from the growth of the company's shares.
We invite everyone to participate in this initial stage to support a better quality of life.
Having only profit and no losses, making revenue from the actual withdrawal and spending of Orbis coins, our company shares will have a unique, slow but guaranteed price growth process like the security coin.
The Orbis team combines their passion for technology, industry, web and finance with strong personal influences, creating a unique blend of talent and creativity that makes a wonderful workplace.

Mihail Tudoroiu
Design, Multimedia & Creativity
Co-founder at Lovemos Creative, Marina is a specialist in video/animation creation and web design. A visionary that has grown the popularity of more than 500 companies worldwide.

Alexander Ionescu
Blockchain Developer
One of our lead blockchain developers, Alexander an IT specialist and blockchain enthusiast, has over 6 years of experience in blockchain and smart-contract development. Being part of more than 10 successful ICO projects.

Anton Rusnov
Integration and Security & Web Developer
Anton is a self-taught front-end developer and computer hacker, working in an introverted way only at night like the Orbis Owl. He is part of a white-hat hacker community maintaining security for more than 20 financial companies worldwide.

Eduard Joseph
Support Manager
An MBA technology specialized graduate, Eduard has over 4 years of experience in coordinating the IT department at GE company and a great set of skills in creating technical solutions for many domains.

Cataleen Johnnson
Financial Director
Having 7 years experience in finance, working for 2 different banks and other companies as a financial consultant, accountant and advisor, Cataleens experience can grow any business from scratch.

Shanshann Inocencio
Community Manager
Shanshann is an experienced community manager for many cryptocurrency projects. An open minded person that can handle many channels at once, solve problems, answer questions and forward them to the team. Being a specialist in customer service, Shanshann does a great job in quick decision taking and solving problems.

Grace Isidro
Community Manager
Grace is a reliable community manager, that is advertising and supporting Orbis Project, one of many blockchain projects that she is involved in. The customer and project support are important jobs to handle, Grace being backed by many social skills.
If you like the article, like it and write a comment. Thank you very much.

Peaceful greetings of the universe
ORBIS has been built using a unique blockchain solution, with two coins available to users that allow them to withdraw, transfer, spend, and invest fiat or cryptocurrency money at no cost, no waiting time, and no middle people.
Imagine you went to a banking institution, and there is a huge queue that needs the help of experts, and as you understand, there is not enough staff for all. Because of this, a problem arises, the appearance of which people are not satisfied.

With mobile applications, desktop software, debit cards, and finally direct branch options, ORBIS represents a transaction solution that truly covers everything. Our team is solving all banking and cryptocurrency problems, developing the first price-stable cryptocurrency, ORBS - utility coin. Orbis utility coins used for transfers, payments and savings worldwide, are directly linked to in your wallet with Orbis security coins that are backed by the shares of Orbis Solutions company. Register and Transfer Cryptocurrency Orbis to your friends or family.
Having only profits and without losses, making income from actual withdrawals and issuing Orbis coins, our company shares will have a unique, slow but guaranteed price growth process like security coins.
About The Project
Orbis is in essence just the same as an innovation platform, as well as a project that will force all the main problems of the modern world to be eradicated. As you can understand, the problems, as well as the tasks weigh very serious over this area. That is why the development team is serious tuned to the implementation of their ideas, as well as a complete solution to the problems that are found today.
The project itself stands out very much with its idea, because the main idea of the project is the implementation of a complete and independent payment system, which in turn will meet the standards of maximum security, as well as standards of convenience and the progressive development of the modern payment industry.

As for the branches of this payment element, everything is also very interesting here. They will open accordingly, but they will not be familiar to all people of the form. A special feature will be that you will not already be served by people, but by personnel who will look like holograms. It will be very convenient, and most importantly, the factor of human error will be excluded as much as possible, since it’s just for just people, as there will be no personnel. Also, it is very convenient in relation to the fact that such workers will be enough for everyone and it will not be possible that someone is sick and could not go to work.
Orbis Blockchain 5.0

As for the branches of this payment element, everything is also very interesting here. They will open accordingly, but they will not be familiar to all people of the form. A special feature will be that you will not already be served by people, but by personnel who will look like holograms. It will be very convenient, and most importantly, the factor of human error will be excluded as much as possible, since it’s just for just people, as there will be no personnel. Also, it is very convenient in relation to the fact that such workers will be enough for everyone and it will not be possible that someone is sick and could not go to work.
Orbis Blockchain 5.0
Our technology gives our customers excellence, providing a safer and more reliable leap to the Blockchain 5.0 capable of reaching more than 1,000,000 transactions per second, competing with the largest financial companies in the world.
With the ability to create synergies between cryptocurrency, adapt to the specific needs of users, and divide and rejoin themselves, Orbis blockchain enables faster, faster, more reliable flux and data transfer. This allows users to manage assets in a complex hierarchy through their Orbis Coins.
Orbis 5.0's integrated mining software allows our customers to conduct anonymous transactions in a decentralized network worldwide, safe and free of charge. Active user platforms will be part of our ecosystem, mining transactions that will have execution times of under 0.2 seconds.
Orbis Local Branches will also be active in processing transactions, have software integrated in our Mandiri ATM machines, a concept that will create a network that is safer and cannot be solved worldwide.

The online wallet hosted platform is integrated user-friendly that allows customers to make transactions easily and quickly, bringing a new look, feel and functionality to conventional online banking services.
The New Generation of FinTech!
Orbis Solutions, the parent company of ORBIS Transfer, has launched an ambitious campaign to install physical branches throughout the world. These branches will contain self-service Orbis ATMs and will also provide on-site virtual AI assistance. At the Orbis branch, you will be able to make financial transactions and services that you normally use in ordinary banks: payments, transfers, withdrawals, deposits, and investments.
Our work model is based on the continued growth of digital payments. Until now, there is no innovative and universal service that combines fiat currency and cryptocurrency, so to address this need, we have introduced the future of FinTech: Orbis Money and Investment Transfer Project.

Orbis Solution
Traditional investment and trade have been greedily governed by banks, companies, and governments that cruelly control access, operate in ways that are not transparent, and ensure that your money is always channeled away from you and reaches them. This has led to widespread liquidity in virtual and cryptic space, and has also prevented the development of a single, easy-to-use interface to access markets for such space.
After registering, you will enter the ORBIS ecosystem and can manage your assets directly using smart devices equipped with internet or any computer with access to the web.
Orbis Cryptocurrency
Payment for ORBIS NFC Mobile
How it works
2018 Ico Crypto is the best
Orbis utility coin (ORBS) is a stable currency that is intended to be used by Orbis customers to make payments, store assets, and transfers at no cost, all without the risk of depreciation or loss.
The Orbis security coin (ORBSi), which is backed by shares of the Orbis Solutions company, will be released to the public and to a cryptocurrency exchange for trading against other crypto currencies.
Orbis Transfer is the Future of Finance
Simplifying the world of financial transactions has been the goal of ORBIS since its inception. Investing, marketing, purchasing, and daily transactions is a possibility for everyone, and simplifies the process for those who have taken part, all on a decentralized blockchain network: that is our mission statement.
Security Token Offer
A successful business is a company that has Clients, Income, and Capital.
Orbis STO is intended to increase the funds needed to acquire licenses and develop a large portfolio of future clients that will bring income and also get from the growth of the company's shares.
We invite everyone to participate in this initial stage to support a better quality of life.
Orbis Security Tokens supported by Orbis Solutions company shares give our investors the opportunity to become Orbis shareholders with just one click of a button. US citizens are also allowed to participate, because Orbis Solutions will operate as an escrow company in the United States.
OrbisSolutions was set up on loss aversion concept and can withstand any market crash being apart from other blockchains.
OrbisSolutions was set up on loss aversion concept and can withstand any market crash being apart from other blockchains.
Having only profit and no losses, making revenue from the actual withdrawal and spending of Orbis coins, our company shares will have a unique, slow but guaranteed price growth process like the security coin.
The Orbis team combines their passion for technology, industry, web and finance with strong personal influences, creating a unique blend of talent and creativity that makes a wonderful workplace.

Mihail Tudoroiu
CEO & Founder
Gaining lots of experience and skills, working over 9 years as an entrepreneur in the fields of Blockchain, Banking, Marketing, Management, Distribution and IT, Mihail desires to change the world bringing new visionary technologies in the Financial Sector.

Orsika Vitos
Gaining lots of experience and skills, working over 9 years as an entrepreneur in the fields of Blockchain, Banking, Marketing, Management, Distribution and IT, Mihail desires to change the world bringing new visionary technologies in the Financial Sector.

Orsika Vitos
Operation Director & Project Manager
Being a passionate and hard working person, Orsolya Vitos has shown her experience and skills taking part in projects at FU International Academy Tenerife and SEOintheSUN as Project Manager, Digital Marketing Trainer and Social Media Specialist.

Marcel Arsenault
Being a passionate and hard working person, Orsolya Vitos has shown her experience and skills taking part in projects at FU International Academy Tenerife and SEOintheSUN as Project Manager, Digital Marketing Trainer and Social Media Specialist.

Marcel Arsenault
Business Consultant
Marcel Arsenault wears many hats with over 17 years’ experience in IT, Information Management and 18 years’ experience as as a public school and community college educator. He has worked in the IT and Information management fields with all three levels of government and within the private sector.
Marcel Arsenault wears many hats with over 17 years’ experience in IT, Information Management and 18 years’ experience as as a public school and community college educator. He has worked in the IT and Information management fields with all three levels of government and within the private sector.
He is an excellent communicator and fully bilingual in French and English! He has worked as a Communications Advisor and Outreach Specialist with the Federal Government, attending conferences and trade shows as well as training companies and public how to sell goods and services to the Federal Government.

Brenda A-Chieng'

Brenda A-Chieng'
Business Strategy Consultant
Founder & CEO at Forbes & Henry Consultancy. Brenda has gained experience and skills, working as a Business Consultant in the field of Financial Technology (FinTech). Brenda is passionate about entrepreneurship, creative problem solving and strategy: she seeks to impact the world through providing innovative solutions to any business she works with.

Ronnie Lekond
Founder & CEO at Forbes & Henry Consultancy. Brenda has gained experience and skills, working as a Business Consultant in the field of Financial Technology (FinTech). Brenda is passionate about entrepreneurship, creative problem solving and strategy: she seeks to impact the world through providing innovative solutions to any business she works with.

Ronnie Lekond
Project Manager
Ronnie is the Founder and CEO of Lekond & Co., an investment and advisory firm focused on Technology, Renewable Energy, AI, and Blockchain based startups.
Ronnie has considerable experience in brand development, strategic management, sales and business development, specifically in People Management, Portfolio Management and Project Management.

Alexandru Zamfirescu
Ronnie is the Founder and CEO of Lekond & Co., an investment and advisory firm focused on Technology, Renewable Energy, AI, and Blockchain based startups.
Ronnie has considerable experience in brand development, strategic management, sales and business development, specifically in People Management, Portfolio Management and Project Management.

Alexandru Zamfirescu
Web Developer
A self-taught IT developer, Alex is creating unique websites, software packages and apps since the age of 13 for Banks, Small Businesses, Entrepreneurs, MU game community and Bloggers.

Brian Zermeno
A self-taught IT developer, Alex is creating unique websites, software packages and apps since the age of 13 for Banks, Small Businesses, Entrepreneurs, MU game community and Bloggers.

Brian Zermeno
Blockchain Developer
Brian is a Blockchain developer with more than 3 years experience. Specialist in utility and security token smart contract development on Ethereum platform,working with Solidity, Web3.js, Truffle framework, Parity and various tools including Metamask, Remix, Mist, etc.

Ujjwal Sahay
Brian is a Blockchain developer with more than 3 years experience. Specialist in utility and security token smart contract development on Ethereum platform,working with Solidity, Web3.js, Truffle framework, Parity and various tools including Metamask, Remix, Mist, etc.

Ujjwal Sahay
Blockchain Developer
Ujjwal is a blockchain enthusiats and developer, CEO of software development company CodeZuke Incorpotations in India. Being backed by over 100 employees Ujjwal is an important contributor to many blockchain exchanges and projects.

Jaume CasasDesign
Ujjwal is a blockchain enthusiats and developer, CEO of software development company CodeZuke Incorpotations in India. Being backed by over 100 employees Ujjwal is an important contributor to many blockchain exchanges and projects.

Jaume CasasDesign
Multimedia & CreativityCo-founder at Lovemos Creative, Jaume is a visionary designer and creator of fantastic publicity projects. A great reliable web designer, and developer for more than 500 popular international corporations.

Marina Arjona

Marina Arjona
Design, Multimedia & Creativity
Co-founder at Lovemos Creative, Marina is a specialist in video/animation creation and web design. A visionary that has grown the popularity of more than 500 companies worldwide.

Alexander Ionescu
Blockchain Developer
One of our lead blockchain developers, Alexander an IT specialist and blockchain enthusiast, has over 6 years of experience in blockchain and smart-contract development. Being part of more than 10 successful ICO projects.

Anton Rusnov
Integration and Security & Web Developer
Anton is a self-taught front-end developer and computer hacker, working in an introverted way only at night like the Orbis Owl. He is part of a white-hat hacker community maintaining security for more than 20 financial companies worldwide.

Eduard Joseph
Support Manager
An MBA technology specialized graduate, Eduard has over 4 years of experience in coordinating the IT department at GE company and a great set of skills in creating technical solutions for many domains.

Cataleen Johnnson
Financial Director
Having 7 years experience in finance, working for 2 different banks and other companies as a financial consultant, accountant and advisor, Cataleens experience can grow any business from scratch.

Shanshann Inocencio
Community Manager
Shanshann is an experienced community manager for many cryptocurrency projects. An open minded person that can handle many channels at once, solve problems, answer questions and forward them to the team. Being a specialist in customer service, Shanshann does a great job in quick decision taking and solving problems.

Grace Isidro
Community Manager
Grace is a reliable community manager, that is advertising and supporting Orbis Project, one of many blockchain projects that she is involved in. The customer and project support are important jobs to handle, Grace being backed by many social skills.
ORBIS is a good ICO program.
Think business is pretty fantastic. It attracts people regularly.
Experienced and skilled cooperation is difficult to achieve.
We can build the ability to achieve goals.
If you like the article, like it and write a comment. Thank you very much.
More Information Visit The ORBIS Link:
Website : https://orbistransfer.com/
ANN Thread : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3844192.0
Twitter : https://twitter.com/OrbisToken
Facebook : https://facebook.com/orbistoken
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/orbis_token/
Telegram : https://t.me/orbisgroup
Author : Sesepuh
My Bitcointalk Profile : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2102092
MyEtherWallet : 0xE6918D7ec07F35bdc579034692aAC61881Aff3D8
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